PROMOS Scholarships
The DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst/ German Academic Exchange Service) has created a program called PROMOS (Programm zur Steigerung der Mobilität von deutschen Studierenden) designed to support German students during short academic stays abroad. The programme stipulates that German universities can determine how to use this financial assistance.
The PROMOS scholarship application procedure for University of Mannheim students
Potential Candidates:
The University of Mannheim offers PROMOS scholarships to bachelor students looking to spend a semester abroad in a non-European country (incl. Russia) during the fall semester and/or in the spring semester.
A study abroad period in Europe will only be financially supported from the University of Mannheim via the Erasmus Program.
Application Requirements:
Qualified applicants are: German students, students who have the same status as a German citizen according to section 8 of the Federal Training Assistance Act, and foreign students who are enrolled as a degree seeking student at the University of Mannheim. However, funding can not be granted for an abroad study period taking place in a forgein student's home country.
Please note that there are two application deadlines:
March 31, 2017: Application deadline for students accepted to a study abroad program in a non-European country beginning in the Fall Semester of 2017/18 and also for students who are planning to study in a non-European country as a free-mover during that time period.
October 15, 2017: Application deadline for students accepted to a study abroad programme in a non-European country beginning in the Spring Semester of 2018 and for students who are planning to study in a non-European country as a free-mover during that time period.
The PROMOS scholarship application adheres strictly to the above deadlines. To apply for this scholarship, you need to submit the following documents to the University of Mannheim’s International Office:
- Application Form Download. (Application is only available in German. Please contact us with any questions).
- CV (in German or English; without any additional documents)
- Letter of Motivation (1 page of DIN A 4 paper, usually in German)
Please briefly reference the scholarship/the scholarship provider in your application.
Free Mover: In your letter of motivation, you should describe the advancement of your efforts to be accepted at your preferred university. You should also mention any alternative plans you may have.
- Current academic transcript (in German or English)
- Documentation proving foreign language skills for the corresponding host country. (University of Mannheim’s Language Certificate,TOEFL or IELTS). A copy is sufficient.
All of these documents must be submitted by the respective application deadline, even if you have already submitted them to the International Office as part of your initial study abroad application. Only completed documents and applications will be processed.
Sort the application documents in the order in which they appear on this page. Neglecting to arrange the documents in the correct order can negatively affect the outcome of your application. Place the documents in a clear sheet protector that is open on two sides. Please do not use any other kind of sheet protector, application folder, etc. Expensive application portfolios do not improve your chances of being accepted and are inconvenient when it comes to processing your application.
Submit your application before or, at the latest, on the day of the correct application deadline. You may hand in your application personally at the Express Service on the ground floor of L1, 1 or send your application by mail (note: the date of the postmark is essential).
Universität Mannheim
Akademisches Auslandsamt
68131 Mannheim
Selection Process and Criteria
The selection decision will be made within two months after the application deadline. The selection of scholarship recipients is based on the criteria that were used to place the applicants within the various exchange programmes. These criteria include the qualifications and prior studying performance, the justification for the exchange as well as the language skills that are required for the exchange. These criteria are supplemented by an assessment of the CV, which might contain extracurricular activities.
Scholarship Benefits
A partial scholarship will be paid monthly.
Duration and amount of the scholarship:
- The duration of scholarship is usually 4 months (may be less for shorter stays)
- The monthly amount is determined by the DAAD country regulations (usually 300€ per month, exceptions: USA 400€ per month; Japan 500€ per month).
A complete or partial reimbursement of foreign student fees is not possible (this concerns free movers).
Upon conclusion of the scholarship, students are required to write a reflection paper about their study abroad experience.
Combination with other scholarships in 2016
In the case of other government-financed scholarships granted because of a study abroad period the purpose of the scholarships needs to be considered. The purpose of the PROMOS partial scholarship is to cover costs associated with housing and living abroad. You are not allowed to receive funding from the PROMOS scholarship if you receive another scholarship for the same purpose. If this is the case, you will need to decide on one scholarship. However, it is possible to combine the PROMOS scholarship with Auslands-BaföG or such scholarships which exclusively cover travel costs.
There are no restrictions regarding the combination of PROMOS with privately financed scholarships.
A combination with Fulbright Reisestipendien is possible.
Please be aware that you are required to disclose whether you have received PROMOS funding to other scholarship-granting institutions as well.
Contact person
Ms Gela Wittenberg in the International Office is glad to answer any further questions.
For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: