Summer School - Training in Landscape Character Assessment Methods and Tools, 07-12 September 2015, Lesvos Island, Greece

Publish Date: Jul 02, 2015

Deadline: Jul 15, 2015

Event Dates: from Sep 07, 2015 12:00 to Sep 12, 2015 12:00

This Summer School aims at training students, educators, professionals and landscape scientists, on the methodologies of landscape character assessment (LCA), as a tool for effective protection and management of natural and cultural heritage, with an emphasis on the landscapes of Eastern Mediterranean region.

Building on the research results and educational material, produced by the European Project MEDSCAPES - (funded by the ENPI CBC-Med Programme), the purpose of this intensive international Summer School is teaching, training and implementing a common regional approach to landscape assessment methodologies. Specifically, at the end of this course, the students will have mastered:

a) tools for landscape analysis, evaluation and mapping (LCA),

b) risk assessment model (RAM) implementation, and

c) the development of participatory governance and management practices (HIMA and other), for landscape as a public good.

These tools offer decision-makers (governmental and other) support in landscape planning and management, bringing together, at the same time, expert knowledge on integrated community management of landscape, while enhancing landscape education and awareness. These methodological tools (LCA) include mapping of physical-geographical and human-made features of the landscape, thus achieving a more holistic understanding of landscape dynamics unfolding in different areas of the Eastern Mediterranean region.

In the case of Greece, landscape typologies derived with the aid of this methodology will form important tools for the General Framework of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development , Special Framework of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development. and for policy decision-making, generally referring to countryside management, rural development, and architectural/ cultural heritage, as well as environmental protection. Moreover, training in landscape-related best practice methodologies, the development of a participatory process engaging local communities and the risk assessment tool, together with educational material produced for such training purposes, develops and enriches the concept of landscape and its role in the Eastern Mediterranean region, contributing substantially -at least, in the case of Greece and Cyprus- to the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, ratified by both countries and highly due for implementation.

The Summer School will be conducted by an international team of experts and other researchers directly or indirectly involved in the state-of-art production of landscape-related know-how, through the MEDSCAPES project. The School's Steering Committee, with previous experience in carrying out summer schools, was involved in the implementation of LCA methods; has specialized in Lesvos and Eastern Mediterranean landscape typologies; and possesses broad knowledge and experience in the implementation of such methodologies from other E.U. case studies.

For more information, please, send e-mail to

Course Aims and Teaching Methods

 The Summer School is aimed at training students, educators and professionals involved in landscape issues, on assessment tools and methods, as well as landscape character mapping, risk assessment and participatory management of landscape as a public good.

Specifically, the purpose of this intensive international Summer School is the education of students, educators and professionals, in the wider region of Eastern Mediterranean, on the following thematic fields and skills:

  1. Assessment and mapping of landscape character, at regional and national levels
  2. Implementation and use of risk assessment models for landscapes and
  3. Participatory governance and management of the landscape, as a common public good, on a local community level

The achievement of these objectives will be accomplished through interactive teaching, enriched by discussion and debate, and through the application of skills and knowledge by the trainees on new case studies, in a laboratory environment, both in the classroom and in the field—the latter expertise will also constitute the basis of the students' final course assessment. Specifically, the achievement of these learning objectives will be determined by the students' participation and contribution in the activities of the Summer School, and primarily by their performance in completing and presenting a group exercise / workshop in eastern Mediterranean LCA (Landscape Character Assessment), RAM (Risk Assessment Model) and HIMA (landscape participatory govenrance and management), on the last day of the Summer School course.

The course is taught in English. The program includes lectures, a two-day field workshop, and a group assignment, with in-class presentation.

The Summer School is also framed by social events and possibilities of enjoying the gorgeous natural and cultural landscape of Lesvos, combining excellent learning and recreation opportunities.


Tuition fee is €200 for 20 students, €150 for 5 students, and 5 free scholarships for 5 students based on income criteria. This fee covers lectures/ workshops/ field visits, didactic material, accommodation and meals during the fieldtrips, coffee and snacks during the breaks, course folder/backpack and certificate of attendance.

Τhe deadline for application to the Summer School is the 15th of July 2015.

ECTS Credits

The Summer School course is equivalent to 3 ECTS credits. The Summer School offers a Certificate of Course Attendance to participants who have attended the Summer School and fulfilled its academic and financial requirements.

Course Program

Day / Theme

Program element

Starting Time

Ending Time


Sunday 6/9

Arrival of participants








Monday 7/9


Introduction to Landscape Character Assessment


1. General Introduction to the

summer school

2. Landscape basics: concepts and values

(Lecture, discussion)



Theano S. Terkenli





Landscape Character Assessment: approaches and tools

(Lectures, discussion)/Coffee



Aikaterini Gkoltsiou

Landscape Participatory Management and Governance—The Legacy of HIMA

(Lecture, discussion)



Jala Makhzoumi





Landscapes of Lesvos: an introduction



Nikolaos Zouros

Landscape mapping methods and tools



Dimitris Kavroudakis






Tuesday 8/9


Landscape Character Assessment and


LCA method




Ioannis Vogiatzakis

Dialogue-based assessment of Eastern Mediterranean landscape character

(Lecture, discussion)



Ioannis Vogiatzakis

LCA case studies

(Lectures, discussion)/Coffee



Nick Symons & Ioannis Vogiatzakis





HIMA workshop: introduction-(Lecture, discussion)



Jala Makhzoumi










Wednesday 9/9


Landscape Character Mapping and

Risk Assessment Model

LCA/ mapping exercise: introduction




Nick Symons

Interactive exercise in landscape character mapping:

Level 2 mapping case study

(Lectures, discussion)/Coffee



Nick Symons / I. Siama/ D. Kavroudakis





Risk assessment model-Discussion



Maria Gabriella Trovato






Thursday 10/9


Excursion/ Field Atelier—Day 1

Excursion and Field Atelier: Lesvos Landscape Character Assessment


(Overnight stay at Sigri)



Aikaterini Goltsiou

Theano S. Terkenli

Nick Symons

Maria Gabriella Trovato






Friday 11/9

Excursion/ Field Atelier—Day 2

Introduction to the Museum of Natural History of Sigri




Nikolaos Zouros


Excursion and Field Atelier: HIMA/ Community Participatory Landscape Management and Risk Assessment Model

(Return to Mitiline)




Maria Gabriella Trovato

Theano S. Terkenli

Nick Symons
















Saturday 12/9


Eastern Mediterranean Landscapes: LCA, RAM and HIMA

Assessments and Closure

Group exercise/ workshop: Eastern Mediterranean LCA, RAM and HIMA




Ioanna Siama, Dimitris Kavroudakis,

Aikaterini Goltsiou





Group exercise in-class presentation



Aikaterini Goltsiou

Discussion- CLOSURE



Theano S. Terkenli







Application – Registration

Application to the course may only take place electronically, through the course website. The course is intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students, PhD and Post-Doctoral students, researchers, educators and professionals in landscape-related fields, interested in landscape assessment, planning and management. Due to the multi-disciplinary perspective of the course, participants from all related fields of expertise are welcome to this intensive program: landscape architecture, geography, rural studies, environmental studies, natural heritage, cultural heritage, rural and regional planning, architecture, civil engineering, participatory resource management, etc .

Registration Fee:200, €150 for 5 students, and 5 free scholarships for 5 students based on income criteria. (This fee covers lectures/ workshops/ field visits, didactic material, accommodation and meals during the fieldtrips, coffee and snacks during the breaks, course folder/backpack and certificate of attendance ).

The deadline for the Application is the 15th of July 2015.


Reduced Fees and Scholarships

Reduced fees and scholarships are awarded after the closure of the registration period (July 15) to both Greek and foreign students. Applicants stating interest in reduced fees or scholarships in their registration form will be contacted after the end of this period, and asked to provide supporting materials to that effect.

Reduced fees are awarded to a total of 5 Greek or foreign students, on the basis of social and economic criteria, which, will have to be claimed with supporting evidence, after the end of the registration period. Such criteria include: a) low family or personal income, b) personal or parental unemployment, c) personal or parental handicap of over 67% total, d) lack of parents due to death, e) family of three or more children. Family or parental criteria (as opposed to personal criteria) are applied in the cases where the applicant is younger than 25 years old, except for the income criterion which applies to applicants younger than 18 years old—unless they are students, in which case the criterion applies to applicants younger than 25 years old. Required supporting documents for reduced fees, for Greek students only, are provided in the table, below.

Scholarships are offered to a total of 5 Greek or foreign students, on the basis of criteria corresponding to the purposes of the Summer School. Besides gender balance sought in the final selection of applicants, one criterion is geographical provenance, namely applicants from Eastern Mediterranean countries are favored, over applicants from other parts of the world. The second criterion is the applicant’s strong interest in the subject matter of the Summer School, as presented in the applicant’s registration form. Finally, a third criterion is the degree of educational/ vocational, professional or voluntary connection to organizations, networks or institutions which promote the causes of the Summer School’s subject matter (i.e. youth councils/ networks/ platforms, youth NGOs, non-profit organizations, community organizations, colleges/ universities, social entrepreneurships, local authorities, etc).

Scholarship and Reduced Fees Supporting Documents (for Greek Students Only)

Απαιτούμενα Δικαιολογητικά για Υποτροφίες-Μειωμένα Δίδακτρα  (κοινωνικά-οικονομικά κριτήρια)
ΑΝΕΡΓΙΑ Άνεργοι πάνω από 25 ετών Βεβαίωση επιδότησης ανεργίας από το Υποκατάστημα του ΟργανισμούΑπασχόλησης Εργατικού Δυναμικού  (ΟΑΕΔ)
στα μητρώα του οποίου είναι εγγεγραμμένος ο Εκπαιδευόμενος
Με άνεργους 2 γονείς και ο εκπαιδευομένος δεν έχει συμπληρώσει το 25ο έτος της ηλικίας του Βεβαίωση επιδότησης ανεργίας από το Υποκατάστημα του Οργανισμού Απασχόλησης Εργατικού Δυναμικού  (ΟΑΕΔ)
στα μητρώα του οποίου είναι εγγεγραμμένοι  οι γονείς του Εκπαιδευόμενου
Με άνεργο 1 γονέα και ο εκπαιδευομένος δεν έχει συμπληρώσει το 25ο έτος της ηλικίας του Βεβαίωση επιδότησης ανεργίας από το Υποκατάστημα του Οργανισμού Απασχόλησης Εργατικού Δυναμικού
(ΟΑΕΔ) στα μητρώα του οποίου είναι εγγεγραμμένος  ο γονέας του Εκπαιδευόμενου
ΑΝΑΠΗΡΙΑ Άτομα με αναπηρία  με συνολικό ποσοστό αναπηρίας από 67% και άνω Αντίγραφο Πιστοποιητικού Υγειονομικής Επιτροπής  σύμφωνα με το εκάστοτε ισχύον σύστημα  πιστοποίησης αναπηρίας, το οποίο είναι σε ισχύ κατά το έτος υποβολής της αίτησης 10
Με ανάπηρο 1 γονέα και ο εκπαιδευομένος δεν έχει συμπληρώσει το 25ο έτος της ηλικίας του 5
ΕΛΛΕΙΨΗ ΓΟΝΕΩΝ Έλλειψη ενός γονέα λόγω θανάτου, και ο εκπαιδευομένος δεν έχει συμπληρώσει το 25ο έτος της ηλικίας του Αντίγραφο ληξιαρχικής πράξης θανάτου γονέα/γονέων 15
Έλλειψη και των 2 γονέων λόγω θανάτου, και ο εκπαιδευομένος δεν έχει συμπληρώσει το 25ο έτος της ηλικίας του 30
ΠΟΛΥΤΕΚΝΟΙ Εκπαιδευομένος που δεν έχει συμπληρώσει το 25ο έτος της ηλικίας τους, και είναι τέκνο τρίτεκνης ή  πολύτεκνης οικογένειας Πιστοποιητικό  που αποδεικνύει την πολυτεκνική ιδιότητα
του Εκπαιδευόμενου
ΧΑΜΗΛΟ ΕΙΣΟΔΗΜΑ Το εισόδημα του εκπαιδευόμενου  για το  2014 είναι μέχρι  8.000,00 € Αντίγραφο  του  εκκαθαριστικού σημειώματος  φόρου  εισοδήματος  του οικονομικού  έτους  2015 του Εκπαιδευόμενου 20
Το εισόδημα του εκπαιδευόμενου  για  το 2014 είναι από 8.000,01 € έως 12.000,00 € 10
Το εισόδημα του εκπαιδευόμενου  για  το 2014 είναι από 12.000,01 € έως 16.000,00 €  5
Το εισόδημα των γονέων του εκπαιδευόμενου-όταν θεωρείται
προστατευόμενο μέλος κατά τις διατάξεις του Κώδικα
Φορολογίας Εισοδήματος-  είναι μέχρι  16.000,00 €
Αντίγραφο  του  εκκαθαριστικού  σημειώματος  φόρου  εισοδήματος  του οικονομικού  έτους  2015 των γονέων του Εκπαιδευόμενου 20
Το εισόδημα των γονέων του εκπαιδευόμενου-όταν θεωρείται
προστατευόμενο μέλος κατά τις διατάξεις του Κώδικα
Φορολογίας Εισοδήματος-είναι από  16.000,01 € έως 24.000,00 €
Το εισόδημα των γονέων του εκπαιδευόμενου-όταν θεωρείται
προστατευόμενο μέλος κατά τις διατάξεις του Κώδικα
Φορολογίας Εισοδήματος- είναι από 24.000,01 € έως 32.000,00 €

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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