Stanford Online Courses - Your Body in the World: Adapting to Your Next Big Adventure, Coursera

Publish Date: Apr 15, 2015


Welcome to the class! We are excited that you want to explore your body's place in the world. Your body is an amazing machine that is equipped with the capacity to deal with the world's great stressors.

This course may be different from other courses you may have taken online. Our intention is to create more than just a class conveying information; we want to create an educational experience. You will be engaged in stories about physiology from across the country, develop relationships with the instructors as they sacrifice their bodies for the good of science, and be awed by the complexity and adaptability of the human body. You will also have the opportunity to hear from top scientists and adventurers in the field. The class will illustrate and explain how your body responds to cold, heat, stress, age, altitude, g-forces, diving and zero gravity. Video travel locations include Stanford, Harvard, MIT, US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Pikes Peak, Las Vegas, and Livermore California.

Check out the promo video to get a flavor of the adventure.

Buckle up! We hope you enjoy the ride.

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