Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Logo

Max Planck Institute for European Legal History

Since its establishment in 1964, the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (MPIeR), with its two departments, has devoted itself to investigating the history of law in Europe and beyond. Its research, its specialised library with more than 470,000 printed items and its numerous cooperations has made it one of the central research hubs for the worldwide scientific community concerned with investigating our past and present national and transnational legal orders. Its research focuses on historical law modi, its constitution, legitimation, transformation and practice. Particular attention is paid to the positioning of “law” in the field of other normative orders. The development of perspectives on global history enhances and extends the research tradition of legal history in Europe. The Institute can build upon a 50-year history. 




+49 (69) 789 78 – 0


Hansaallee 41, 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Germany