Conf/CfP - United Nations Youth Academic Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 6 - 8 November 2015

Publish Date: Aug 12, 2015

Deadline: Sep 01, 2015

Event Dates: from Nov 06, 2015 12:00 to Nov 08, 2015 12:00

You can now send your paper proposal until the 1st of September 2015.

This year’s edition of the UN Youth Academic Conference will take place between 6-8 November in Bucharest and it will consist in discussions aiming to answer the question “What challenges does UN face in 2015?”. After 70 years since the UN Charter has been signed arises the need to reflect upon all the events that have passed. UN Youth Romania believes that it is vital to meditate profoundly upon the challenges that UN has to confront in the present world.

June 26th (1945) represents the conceiving of the UN system by constituting the main pillars of action: peace and security, international development and human rights. These three dimensions of operation describe The Security Council’s approach regarding unimaginable challenges. Tragedy has been arising at every step. Genocide, war, abuse and indignities shaped the world we know today. Furthermore, international dynamics generates new hold-backs and burdens with devastating outcomes. Therefore, the main UN pillars remain significant even today:

I. Peace and Security

Nowadays, the threats at the states’ security are not defined by some borders, but they represent a global phenomenon. These threats have their roots in ethnic and religious beliefs, in terrorism and violent actions conducted by state and non-state actors, and, at last, in governments that fail to respect the law and the the rights of their citizens. Therefore, we must recognize that the Security Council’s preventive actions sustain sovereignty by helping states to solve these problems. This pillar includes not only peacekeeping and conflict resolution, but also a wide range of initiatives to promote intercultural interaction, understanding and tolerance. Hence, the academic papers for this panel should be addressed taking into account the present international threats and the instruments of action.

II. Human Rights

The deference and consideration of human rights represent the core of peacekeeping and security at a global scale. There is a whole range of examples of flagrant defiance of the rights which have escalated into span conflicts. The international security must be rethought in a manner that puts human rights first. The academic papers for this panel should address certain problems related to the non-compliance with human rights and the consequences of doing so. Also, a research direction consists in UN’s humanitarian intervention in different regions, its aim and outcomes.

III. International Development

The celebration of 70 years of UN represents the opportune moment for tackling poverty and inequality. As we all already know, financial turmoil has grown from an American crisis to a global crisis. Also, the natural environment and the human well-being have been threatened by decisions made within national borders that reverberate far beyond geographic boundaries. Therefore, one of the great threats of nowadays consists in climate change. The danger of inaction in such problems can be seen in the Arab Spring and consequently to that it can lead to undermining the peace and the security of nowadays societies. The academic papers for this panel should address the potential measures that the UN can use in order to eradicate poverty and inequality but also what could be done in specific international situations and what strategies can be employed regarding the need of every state.

Through our Academic Conference we invite scholars, researchers and young professionals to present their research work and reflections upon the above raised question, but qualified on one UN pillar, during three days of panel sessions. Also, the program includes keynote lectures carried by experts, scholars and professors in the three main areas of discussion. Nonetheless, the participants will have the chance to get better acquainted with each other and share their views during the social activities as well. Accordingly, during the three days of the conference, they shall dwell within an interactive and thought-provoking environment, where both social and professional networking will be possible.

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