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Conf/CfP - International Congress of Slavists, 19 - 27 August 2018, USA

Publish Date: Jan 18, 2016

Deadline: Mar 01, 2016

Event Dates: from Aug 20, 2018 12:00 to Aug 27, 2018 12:00

The International Congress of Slavists will be held in late summer 2018 in Belgrade, Serbia. The general plan will contain a day of arrival (August 19), a day of departure (August 27), and six working days for the Congress split into 3-day segments separated by a free day (August 23) for excursions organized by the host Serbian Committee of Slavists.

During the six working days, papers are presented in a variety of formats in a series of simultaneous morning and afternoon sessions, each session moderated by a chair.

The International Congress of Slavists has five formats in which contributions are presented: (1) plenary papers, (2) session papers, (3) block papers, (4) round table presentations, and (5) written submissions (scripta).

  • Plenary papers are typically longer contributions presented in plenary sessions by a small number of eminent specialists selected by the Presidium following nominations from the chairs of the various national committees. Plenary speakers are given 40 minutes each.
  • Session papers are single papers grouped into sessions by the host committee according to broad theme. Speakers are given 20 minutes each.
  • Block papers are single papers grouped into a thematically linked block panel composed of five members, all coordinated by a single individual. The block panel typically has a chair functioning as moderator, two speakers who present papers, and two discussants who comment on them. Each participant is given 10 minutes. The moderator and the two speakers on a block panel must represent at least three countries (i.e., three different national committees of Slavists), at least one of which should be a Slavic country. Membership on a block panel does not count against the quota of any member country. Accordingly, the number of block panels allowed at the Congress is limited.
  • Round table presentations are shorter reports on a narrowly construed theme with considerable audience participation anticipated. They are coordinated by a single individual. Speakers are given 10 minutes each. The Composition of a round table panel must also be international, representing at least four countries. The participants on a round table do not count against the quota of any member country. Accordingly, the number of round tables allowed at the Congress is limited.
  • Written submissions are individual papers published along with those of the active delegates of a particular national delegation, but not presented orally at the Congress because the author has alternate rather than delegate status.

Practically speaking, most American reports are presented as session papers or block papers. The written versions are published in the volume(s) American Contributions to the International Congress of Slavists by Slavica Publishers, Inc.

Program of the XVI International Congress of Slavists, Belgrade, 2018

Four sections:

1) Language
2) Literature, culture, folklore
3) Issues in Slavic studies
4) Special Congress themes


1. Etymology and comparative-historical grammar of the Slavic languages.

Common Slavic and its dialects.  The emergence of the Slavic languages and the influence of non-Slavic languages and language groups on them. Old Church Slavonic. Church Slavonic and its influence on the formation of the Slavic literary languages.

2. History of the Slavic languages.

The historical grammar of the Slavic languages. Historical semantics and lexicology of the Slavic languages.  The development of the Slavic languages under conditions of language contact.  The interrelationships of national literary languages and native dialects in different historical periods.

3. Development of Slavic writing.

Slavic writing at various stages of its development. The written tradition of Cyril and Methodius in the Slavic languages.

4. Dialectology of the Slavic languages.

The contemporary state of Slavic dialects. Grammatical peculiarities of the dialects. Dialect lexicography and lexicology. The language of the city. Slavic linguogeography. Onomastics. The development of dialects. Peripheral Slavic dialects and contacts with non-Slavic languages. Dialect interference. Dialect extinction.

5. Grammar of contemporary Slavic literary languages.

The phonetic-phonological and prosodic characteristics of the Slavic languages. Peculiarities of the grammatical systems of the Slavic languages (morphology, word formation, syntax). Theoretical and methodological aspects of the study of Slavic grammar. Inter-Slavic linguistic interference and connections between Slavic and non-Slavic languages in the sphere of grammar.

6. Semantics, pragmatics, and stylistics of contemporary Slavic languages.

Semantic issues of the Slavic languages on all levels of linguistic analysis. The lexicon of the Slavic languages and systemic relations in the lexicon. Lexicography of the Slavic languages. Phraseology of the Slavic languages. Linguistics of the text and/or discourse analysis.  Linguistic and functional stylistics of the Slavic languages. Pragmatic studies in the Slavic languages. Theoretical and methodological aspects of semantic/stylistic/pragmatic studies of the Slavic languages. Inter-Slavic linguistic interference and connections between Slavic and non-Slavic languages in the sphere of semantics, stylistics, pragmatics.

7. Interdisciplinary studies of the Slavic languages.

Sociolinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Language politics. Linguoculturology. Ethnolinguistics.  Computer linguistics. Corpus linguistics. Glottodidactics. Internet resources of the Slavic languages.

8. Standardization and norm among the Slavic languages.

Problems of normalizing the Slavic languages. Issues of orthography. The development of norms in a literary language. Innovation in the norms of literary language. Language politics. 


1. Slavic literatures and the Middle Ages.

The poetics of medieval literature. The genres of medieval literature. The mutual bonds of Slavic literatures and cultures in the Middle Ages.

2. The history of Slavic literatures and the development of theoretical-methodological learning.

Stylistic formations in Slavic literatures. Genres in Slavic literatures; epic, novel, and narrative poem in Slavic literatures. Theory, the history of verse, and comparative Slavic metrics.  Literary traditions and Slavic literatures today. Mutual bonds and contacts among Slavic literatures and cultures. Theoretical aspects of the study of contemporary Slavic literatures.

3. Translations of Slavic literatures as cultural transfer.

Slavic translation and inter-Slavic translations. The process of translation: linguistic and other peculiarities of transmitting cultural codes. The language we speak: Slavistics and the dominance of the English language today.

4. Literary-historical knowledge, literary criticism, and journalism.

Periodicals in Slavic literatures and cultures: intermediary, index of changes in poetics, stylistic epochs, genres. Decanonization and reconstruction of the (national) history of literature. Journalism and mass-media: relativization/affirmation of cultural and literary identity. Values and (Slavic) literary criticism.

5. Slavic literatures, religion, philosophy, politics, culture.

Philosophical, religious, and political thought among the Slavs. The legacy of antiquity, Byzantine and Judeo-Christian tradition in Slavic literatures and cultures. The East-West dialogue in Slavic literatures and cultures. The topicality of Riccardo Picchio’s dichotomy “Slavia Romana” vs. “Slavia Orthodoxa.” Problems of the mutual reception of national cultures. Slavic studies and national ideologies in Slavic countries.

6. Slavic literatures and cultural heritage in the 21st century.

Europeanization/globalization and Slavic literatures. Mutual penetration of Slavic literatures and cultures. Literary and cultural “utopias” – Panslavism today. Slavic studies and problems of (post)colonialism in today’s world. The problem of flight/expulsion/migration in Slavic literatures and cultures. Us and them (in racial, class, and gender relations) in Slavic literatures and cultures. European literary and cultural paradigms and Slavic literatures and cultures.

7. Slavic folklore, folklore studies, and mythology in an international context.

Slavic folklore and other ethnocultural traditions. Collectors and researchers of folklore who have contributed to Slavic studies. Mythological bases of folklore. Word and ritual. The general and the regional in folklore. Genres of “living” folklore today. The textology of folklore. Folklore and literature. Post-folklore.


1. The history of Slavic studies.

The reception of the Cyril and Methodius tradition. Slavistic schools and their contribution to linguistics and literary studies. Slavic studies from the perspective of education and pedagogical ideas. Slavic studies in the 20th century: directions, contradictions, and legacy.  Slavic studies in the context of the First World War. The leading lights of Slavic studies: new views on the legacy of prominent Slavists. An overview of the historiography of Slavic studies in national centers.

2. The theory and methodology of Slavic studies.

Tradition and novelty in the methodology of Slavic studies. Slavic studies and new scientific paradigms in the humanities. Slavic studies in a comparative framework. Slavic studies and the study of culture. Slavic studies narrowly and broadly conceived: Historical, social, and economic conditions in Slavic countries as an object of Slavistic investigations.

3. Perspectives of Slavic studies.

Directions of development of Slavic studies in the 21st century. Slavic studies and processes of globalization.

4. Theoretical-methodological aspects of the study and teaching of Slavic languages, literatures, and cultures.

Historical aspects of studying Slavic languages, literatures, and cultures. Methodological issues and perspectives in the teaching of Slavic languages, literatures, and cultures in institutions of higher education. Directions of development of contemporary studies in the field of the teaching of Slavic languages, literatures, and cultures.


1. The two-hundredth anniversary of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić’s Српски рјечник and the place of its author in Slavic studies.

2. Aleksandr Belić in the history of Slavic studies.

Call for Papers

The American Committee of Slavists (ACS) issues a call for papers for the XVI International Congress of Slavists in Belgrade, Serbia, August 20–27, 2018, to determine the composition of the American delegation.

  • Eligibility. To be considered, an applicant must, without exception, have
    • 1) a regular (not occasional) academic position (including emeritus status) in an American college or university;
    • 2) a Ph.D. in hand by May 1, 2016, the deadline date for the submission of the abstract.
  • Application. Qualified applicants must submit an application form - http://slavic.fas.harvard.edu/files/slavic/files/applic-acs_2018.docx?m=1451929220 and accompanying materials by March 1, 2016, to

Prof. Robert A. Rothstein, Secretary-Treasurer
American Committee of Slavists
Dept. of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Herter Hall
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003-3940

Abstract. Applicants must submit a one-page abstract of the paper by May 1,  2016, to Prof. Michael S. Flier <flier@fas.harvard.edu>.  Applicants are advised to follow instructions carefully in the preparation of abstracts (see Abstract Preparation below).  Preference will be given to papers that are broadly comparative in nature.

Application Form for the American Delegation

Please use the form below to apply, and please send the requested materials - application form, curricula vitae, application fee(s) - together to the following address no later than March 1, 2016:

Prof. Robert A. Rothstein
Secretary-Treasurer, American Committee of Slavists
Dept. of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Herter Hall
Univ. of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003-3940

Calendar of Deadlines




Nov. 1, 2015

1st call for papers

Dec. 1, 2015

2nd call for papers

Jan. 1, 2016

3rd call for papers

Mar. 1, 2016

Applications with titles to editors

May 1, 2016

Abstracts to editors

July 1, 2016

Papers accepted/rejected; applicants notified

Dec. 1, 2016

Completed manuscripts received by Michael Flier as .doc/.docx files

Mar. 1, 2017

Edited manuscripts back to contributors

Apr. 1, 2017

Contributor MS corrections to editors

May 1, 2017

Edited MSS sent to Slavica

Sept. 15, 2017

First proofs received by contributors

Oct. 1, 2017

Corrected first proofs received by editors

Nov. 15, 2017

Final corrected first proofs received by Slavica

Feb. 1, 2018

Second proofs received by editors

Mar. 1, 2018

Corrected second proofs received by Slavica

May 1, 2018

Volume published and sent with PDFs to contributors

July 1, 2018

Volumes for ICS sent to Belgrade

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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