Coaching Fellowship Program 2016

Publish Date: Jun 17, 2016

Deadline: Jun 26, 2016

What is The Coaching Fellowship program?

Three times per year The Coaching Fellowship provides 50 young high potential women of impact with professional coaching at a massively reduced rate so they may focus deeply on personal development, attaining their goals and changing the world in the process.

How does the program work? 

Fellows receive three months of professional coaching (usually via phone/Skype) with our highly experienced and certified coaches.

This includes:

  • One initial two hour discovery session to: 
    Define goals
    Explore values
    Identify triggers, barriers, and purpose
  • Meet with a coach either
    Weekly for 30 minutes – OR
    Biweekly for an hour to work towards your goals and overcoming challenges

Program costs: The Fellowship is not free. We ask fellows to donate $300 as a fee for the entire program.

NOTE: Typically such a program costs between $3,000 and $4,000. Through the incredible generosity of our coaches, who offer their services completely pro-bono, we are proud to be able to offer fellowship places at this rate. The entire fellow’s donation goes to sustaining The Coaching Fellowship, so we may continue to support many more incredible young women in the future.

Who can apply? 

The Coaching Fellowship is open to any woman between the ages of 25 and 35 based anywhere in the world, who is today or who wants to transform our world for the better.

We are looking for a candidate who is:

  • A female changemaker between the ages of 25-35
  • Strongly committed to changing the planet
  • Doing something extraordinary
  • Dedicated to her own self-discovery and development
  • Realistic about her goals for coaching (feasible for completion within a three month time period)
  • Clear on what she can expect from coaching (see: “What is a coach?” for further clarification)
  • Deeply interested in her own self development and progress
  • Willing to speak freely about both her difficulties and triumphs
  • Open to being challenged by a coach to explore outside of her comfort zone
  • Willing to give her coach feedback on their coaching conversation and relationship

What is a coach? 

What is a coach?
A coach is NOT the same as a mentor, consultant, or career counselor.

A mentor/consultant will set out to train or give you direct advice in support of the professional goal or project you are attempting to accomplish.

A career counselor will help you to hone professional development skills such as creating a resume or cover letter, and give you direction on your career path.

A Coaching Fellowship coach, on the other hand, will work with you to reach your personal and professional goals. They will guide you and help you to focus on your strengths, rather directly advising you. They will enable you to grow, motivate you and hold you accountable to your goals.

For more information press "Further official information" below.


This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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