AskPetersen Scholarship: Essay Writing Contest 2016

Publish Date: Feb 19, 2016

Deadline: Jun 01, 2016

You’ll get a chance to get your essay published and earn a valuable prize that will motivate you to become an even better writer. Freedom of speech is the main motto of this contest, so you can express any opinions related to the topic you choose!


Let’s start with the most important thing: the best three participants will receive awesome prizes!

First Place: $200

Second Place: $100

Third Place: $50 Amazon Gift Card

Follow These Guidelines to Participate!

Okay, it’s time to get into details. Pay attention to these guidelines and you’ll be on your way to entering the contest!

  • Topics

I picked some interesting topics that will awaken your critical thinking mode. Each participant can choose only one of these topics and provide only one submission. Please, don’t alternate the title you choose!

  1. Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport?
  2. What Role Will Robots Play in Our Future?
  3. Is Online Learning as Good as Face-to-Face Learning?
  4. Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years?
  5. To What Writer Would You Award a Prize?
  6. Should Society Support Artists and Others Pursuing Creative Works?
  7. Are We Too Dependent on Computers?
  • Wordcount

The essays should be from 500 to 1000 words long.

  • Language

Please, write your essay in English. The contest is open to participants from all countries, but the papers should be written in English. Good grammar does matter!

  • Plagiarism-Free Policy

Your paper must be free of plagiarism. All entries will be checked for uniqueness with a robust plagiarism detection engine. If any signs of plagiarism are revealed, your submission will be disqualified from the contest and all that effort will go to vain.

Make sure to include a list of references for all sources you used to support your arguments!

  • Essay Submission Dates

An essay wouldn’t be an essay without a deadline, right? Don’t worry; you have loads of time to work on your entry. I will accept submissions from February 10, 2016 till June 1, 2016.

The results will be announced at on June 7, 2016, and the winners will be notified via email.

  • Who Can Participate?

Everyone! If you think you can write a great essay on any of the topics provided for this contest, feel free to submit an entry! This contest is international and it’s not limited by age.

  • How to Enter The Contest?

Write your essay and send it as an attached document via contact form below. The subject line of your message should be “AskPetersen Scholarship: YOUR TOPIC” (you name your chosen topic). Please, write your name in the body of this message.

  • Judging

Now you must be wondering: “who will judge this contest?”. Julie Petersen, yours truly, will evaluate the essays, choose the winners, and publish the papers on the AskPetersen blog. I have a solid base of experience in writing and reading essays, as well as in teaching writing classes and working as a private tutor.

By entering AskPetersen essay writing contest you automatically accept the terms and conditions of participation stated on this page and agree to judge’s final decision.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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