www.digilib.am relaunched

Publish Date: Jan 27, 2011

YEREVAN, January 26, 2011, AUA “Manoogian” hall: the new website of the American University of Armenia Digital Library of Armenian Literature (Digilib, www.digilib.am) was officially announced.

At the beginning the Honorary President of American University of Armenia Harutyun Armenyan presented the history of the Library since 1999.

The new website and its structure were presented by the founder and the academic director of Digilib Merujan Karapetyan, who also mentioned a number of important innovations and upgrades in their work since 1999. While presenting the project he mentioned that the Library now contains approximately 2000 works of more than 650 authors.

The Library is already enriched by the armenological works of 150 authors, among whom Ghukas Inchichyan, Ghevond Alishan, Nerses Akinyan, Ghevond Tayan, Garegin Hovsepyan, etc.

The Library is unique by its metadata, bibliographic references and digitization of the Armenian Academic journals (“Bazmavep”, “Hayrenik”, “Handes Amsorea”, “Sion”, etc.).

There are three kinds of access to the texts, books and articles at www.digilib.am

  1. free access
  2. by subscription only
  3. paid download of specific texts, books and articles (without the need of subscription).

The website is now working on beta mode. More details with full description about navigation through DIGILIB will be posted on ARMACAD soon.

The Armenian Digital Library is a database of Armenian texts in the worldwide digital libraries’ system. It is also a great opportunity of using the Classical, New and Modern rich Literature of one of the oldest nations in the world.

Library consists of three major sections:

5th-18th cc. Armenian Classical Literature

1850-2000 literary monuments of Western Armenian and Diaspora Literature

Armenian Studies

For more information, please contact the Digilib Staff: dlinfo@aua.am

Tel.: (+374)10-512767

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