Society for Armenian Studies
Distinguished Dissertation Award (2017-2020)
Society for Armenian Studies Distinguished Dissertation Award was established
in 2004 to recognize exceptional achievement in research and writing for/of dissertations
in Armenian studies. It is awarded every three years.
Competition Guidelines
All students completing their dissertations between July 2017 and May 2020 are
eligible to submit entries for the Society for Armenian Studies Distinguished Dissertation
Award. Dissertations can be nominated by the author or the author's sponsor or advisor,
and should be accompanied by a letter of acceptance for the degree and a 250-word abstract
of the dissertation ' s subject matter. Only nominated dissertations will be considered for
the prize.
Entries will be read by a five-member committee. We ask that the author or the author' s
department or institution provide a pdf Of the dissertation. These Will be solely for the use
Of the committee and Will not be circulated further. Winners Will be announced at the 2021
SAS Annual Meeting.
There is a $l,000 award for the winning dissertation.
Dissenations and accompanying materials must be received by February 20, 2021 to
be considered. Materials should be sent to Professor Barlow Der Mugrdechian .