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PhD Summer School in Digital Editing and Digital Humanities, 26-30 June 2017, University of Grenoble-Alpes, France

Publish Date: Feb 09, 2017

PhD Summer School in Digital Editing and Digital Humanities

French and Italian versions below

The University of Grenoble-Alpes together with the Maison de Sciences de l’Homme-Alpes et with the sponsorship of ITN DIXIT organises a summer school in Digital Editing and Digital Humanities.

The summer school is aimed at PhD students, early career researchers and beyond that want to understand what is Digital editing and Digital Humanities by doing it. For this first edition there are no prerequisite, as the the teaching will not assume any previous knowledge.  Courses will be offered in the field of:

  • HTML and CSS
  • XML
  • TEI and EPIDOC
  • RDF
  • XSLT
  • NLP, tree-banking and lemmatisation
  • GIS

Participants will attend common classes for the first 2 days and then they will be able to choose between one of the 3 workshops offered every day. 

The languages of teaching are: French and Italian.
Many scholarship will be sponsored by DiXiT, particularly for PhD students.


L’université Grenoble-Alpes en collaboration avec la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme -Alpes et avec la sponsorisation de l’ITN DiXiT organise une école d’été en Philologie Numérique / Humanités Numériques.

L’école d’été est visée pour un public de doctorant.e.s, jeunes chercheurs/ses et touts ces qui veulent comprendre ce que ce sont les Humanités Numériques en les faisant. Pour cette première éditions, il n’y a pas des pré-requis et les cours ne présument pas des connaissances préalables. 
Les cours incluront:

  • HTML and CSS
  • XML
  • TEI and EPIDOC
  • RDF
  • XSLT
  • NLP, tree-banking and lemmatisation
  • GIS

Les participants prendront des cours en troc common pendant les deux premier jours, et après il seront capables de choisir parmi trois ateliers qui seront offerts chance jour.

Les langues des enseignements seront: français et italien.
Plusieurs bourses pour des doctorants  seront offert par DIXIT.


L’università Grenoble-Alpes in collaborazione con la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme -Alpes et la sponsorizzazione dell’ITN DiXiT organizza una scuola estiva in Filologia Digitale e le Digital Humanities.

La scuola estiva si rivolge a dottorandi, ricercatori e a tutti colori che intendono imparare che cosa sono le Digital Humanities facendole.

Non ci sono prerequisiti e l’insegnamento non presuppone alcuna conoscenza pregressa. I corsi offerti includono:

  • HTML and CSS
  • XML
  • TEI and EPIDOC
  • RDF
  • XSLT
  • NLP, tree-banking and lemmatisation
  • GIS

I participanti prenderanno dei corsi comuni per i primi due giorni e poi potranno scegliere i tre corsi diversi offerti giornalmente. Le lingue di insegnamento saranno il francese e l’italiano.
Diverse borse saranno messe a disposizioni dei dottorandi, grazie alla sponsorizzazione di Dixit.

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Digital Humanities


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Opportunity Types

Financial aid

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