New book - Armenians in Post-Socialist Europe

Publish Date: May 04, 2016

Konrad Siekierski, Stefan Troebst (eds.)
2016. 237 S. Gb. 170 X 240 mm.
ISBN: 978-3-412-50155-6

This volume presents articles on the modern Armenian diaspora in post-socialist Europe, including the Baltic States, Belarus, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia and Ukraine. Specialists from the fields of cultural anthropology, sociology, and area studies offer their insights into current developments of Armenian communities which, although located within common post-socialist time-space, differ from one another significantly in terms of their historical background, identity politics, and socio-cultural characteristics.

Konrad Siekierski is a PH.D. candidate in cultural anthopology.
Stefan Troebst is professor for Central and Eastern European Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig.


Stefan Troebst
Editorial to the Book Series Armenier im östlichen Europa – Armenians in
Eastern Europe

Note on Transliteration

Konrad Siekierski
Studying Armenians in Post-Socialist Europe: Problems and Perspectives

Viktor Dyatlov
Armenians of Contemporary Russia: Diasporic Strategies of Integration

Ulrike Ziemer
Unsettled Identity Negotiations: The Armenian Diaspora in Krasnodar Krai

Annett Fleischer
Armenian Returnees from Russia: Struggles between Reintegration and

Timothy K. Blauvelt & Christofer Berglund
Armenians in the Making of Modern Georgia

David Davtyan
The Armenian Diaspora in Post-Socialist Ukraine

Lidia Prisac & Ion Xenofontov
The Armenians in the Republic of Moldova: Demographic, Cultural, and
Religious Aspects

Andrzej Tichomirow
Armenians in Belarus Today and in the Past

Aghasi Tadevosyan & Alina Poghosyan
Transculturation as a Fragmented Dialogue: Everyday Practices of an Armenian
Migrant Family in Latvia

Brigitta Davidjants
Identity Construction in Narratives: Activists of the Armenian Diaspora in

Łukasz Łotocki
The Post-Soviet Armenian Immigration to Poland

Hakob Asatryan
The Armenians in the Czech Republic: ACommunity in the Making

Hakob A. Matevosyan
Incompatible Identities: The Armenian Diasporic Communities in Hungary

István Horváth & Ilka Veress
The Armenians in Romania: Cultural Strategies and State Policies

Siranush Papazian-Tanielian
The Community Life of Armenians in Post-Socialist Bulgaria

Konrad Siekierski
Completing the Story: Armenians in Other Countries of Post- Socialist Europe

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