Information Technology Law Research and Study Opportunities

The Law of New Communications Era: Informational Technology Law Study Opportunities, Summits, Lectures and other Academic Events

The history of technological development has dictated its own rules of behavior. People and organizations moved to a new world of communication, where they started interacting online using modern technologies and software. When it comes to law, then obviously this new technological era highlighted the need for specific regulatory framework for what people call now “informational technologies”.

Words like “privacy” and “protection” no more relate to face to face communication, private life and business only. Now people communicate online: they use social networks and internet to share personal information. Majority of us use online banking and buy clothes online. We order food and buy plane tickets online. And we do all this by using informational technologies.

These and many other issues make the subject of informational technology law. This area of law regulates relations that occur between people and business in the result of developing, selling, distributing and using informational technologies.

Academic and professional gatherings of legal experts in the field, such as conferences, forums, workshops and symposiums, serve as platforms to discuss future developments in the field and legal systems to regulate them. Attendees of these events benefit from a bulk of information exchange on cutting- edge issues and networking opportunities.

Prospective international students can choose from the big list of bachelor, master and PhD degree programs, advertised by worldwide colleges and Universities. Enthusiastic to explore the link between law and technologies? Then, check ARMACAD out.

Search for Degree Programs, Short Courses, Events in IT Law with ARMACAD

ARMACAD is a user-friendly database of academic and professional opportunities. It ideally fits those, who look for:

  • degree level study and research programs in informational technology law,
  • short-term and online learning opportunities,
  • professional and academic events,
  • job alerts.